Dear Artful Parent!
All children have great thoughts and great ideas, often expressed in doodles and drawings. These sometimes trickle into their books and notebooks and even find their way onto the walls and sidewalks or whatever ‘canvas’ the little ones lay their hands on! As a parent, you will surely love to cherish all the amazing masterpieces. You might adorn walls, refrigerator, pinup boards, and store away some in boxes, files, and folders.
Eventually, you run out of ideas and space. And very soon they all grow up.
Some of you might be artists yourself. Somehow you have managed to keep that spark alive in your little sketchers. You wish you had those doodles from your own childhood saved and documented somewhere. Don’t you? The great ideas that could have saved the Martians or that one secret tool that you always wanted to invent.
The way your children learn and absorb information will dictate the way they THINK, IDEATE, and IMPLEMENT! Do you want your children to harvest the power of doodling, the power of visual note-taking, and discover a new way of learning?
I do!
Little Sketchers started as a need to document and share art and ideas of children, and also to encourage parents to understand the role of art in their child’s mental and creative development.It is amazing to know how art impacts the human mind!
We would love to hear from you while we are busy cleaning up the studio!
Feel free to write to us, you can also send in some doodles and drawings 🙂