Doodle n scribble… splatter n sploosh

by May 20, 2011 in Stop and Ponder

We see kids fill up pages after pages and the next thing you know these beautiful pieces are lost forever.

chalksBut it is interesting to see how children over years improve their drawing skill on there own. Without any formal lessons in art they seem to mature on their own. They are self taught in every sense. They are the best. No wonder we grown ups tell each other to ‘nurture your inner child’. There is a reason, we believe 🙂

For this very reason, we created this platform for our little sketchers. A platform for them to dabble in color. A platform for us, the parents, to relive our childhood…

We hope we manage to keep this spirit alive and let our kids just be 🙂

T_drawingWho knows who is the Picasso or the Van Gogh or the Leonardo da vinci amongst them…who knows…but what we know for sure is that we should let them enjoy every moment of their childhood and let this be a medium to connect!

We strongly believe that every child is an artist. Stats show that only a small % actually grow up to become ‘real’ artists. Somewhere down the line, these little sketchers get distracted and perhaps get ‘busy’ with other stuff. We as parents can at least try and nurture this ability for as long as we can or want to.

In our profession as UX designers, we have rarely come across a designer who can sketch. Who can take pencil to paper in the real sense…

blackboardEver wonder, why all kindergartens encourage art?

Art is not only good for their minds but also thoroughly therapeutic. Give yourself another chance to relive your childhood! You will have no regrets 🙂

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