
by March 28, 2012 in Projects and Activities

A very interesting word indeed!

The moment you think of it, a whole lot of images pop in your mind. It gets filled up with ‘patterns’. You step out of your home, notice your gate and that of the neighbors. The tiles along the roadside, the fences and the trellises. The flowers, the trees. The birds and the bees. Aren’t these all made up of patterns? Oh, yes!

Anywhere you go, you are bound to find a pattern. And yes, inside you as well…we humans follow patterns too, patterns in our behavior and patterns in our thinking.

A pattern may be organic or geometrical. Draw some basic shapes and let your child fill in the colors. See what beautiful art emerges. Each one so amazing and so vibrant! Before you know you have some lovely pieces for your walls.

Help your child discover patterns in everyday life. They might also start noticing and perhaps correcting the patterns in their own behaviors as well. And you might too…

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